
About Us

VCP is a diversified investment holding company, that holds a number of investments across diverse sectors.
Vunani Capital Partners | Investment holding company

VCP has a portfolio of on balance sheet investments and co-investments as a black economic empowerment partner and active investor. Its investment model includes direct operational involvement in partnership with key management personnel who are incentivised through profit participation and direct equity. Investment themes have been identified and supported through the provision of own capital and partners’ capital as well as strategic and operational support.

Partnerships are a key theme in its investment approach, and this is with both capital providers and skilled operators with whom the Company has long standing and close associations and where it aims to align its interests to build value for all parties, most importantly for the Shareholders of VCP.

VCP Timeline


VCP has identified seven investment themes/sectors and will focus on these sectors and with our strategic and management partners grow the investment portfolio looking in particular to extract greater value from our existing assets.

As a majority black owned company VCP will also seek opportunities to consolidate BEE investments providing the BEE shareholders in these investments the opportunity to swop into a larger more diversified entity with the potential to participate in dividends, capital appreciation and a more liquid instrument.

VCP has established deep relationships and sector expertise across the seven sectors and will use this to grow organically and through selective acquisitions.

Opportunities are extensive and the prospects are good. It will be a case of selecting the right opportunities and allocating capital as effectively as possible to ensure we get the best possible reward for effort.

Investment parameters will be measured against the potential pay-back period as well as the traditional discounted cash flow and internal rate of return. A key metric will be our ability to extract dividends and management fees from each investment as well as unlock value for Shareholders through asset sales.